„Thanks to its performance based cost allocation, Greko offers our product managers a high level of transparency and helps them to quickly identify and counteract deviations.”
Mag. Heinrich Kräuter – Management Finances & Controlling Vienna
Most companies are clear about their “productive” costs:
material usage, external services, machine hourly rates, employee hourly rates.
But what about the “unproductive” costs such as administration, distribution, research & development? How should they be offset against the products and services? In most companies, this only happens in the form of less or more dubious overheads.
Do you want to get rid of the dubious overheads? And achieve a 100% accurate information about the costs – even the fixed one? Would you like to exploit this knowledge to selectively and effectively increase your productivity by up to 30%?
The solution is the introduction of the activity based costing. In only 3 steps together we will develop a solution that can lead your company to a success.
As a part of a consulting project, we introduce activity based costing to your company.
Your advantages:
Greko is the most advanced activity based costing software, developed in-house by our company.
Your advantages:
We help your employees to become more cost-conscious and more productive.
Your advantages:
Many entrepreneurs are still having the classic overhead surcharge of around 15% in their heads today. But this approach, created in the 1990s, does no longer work today. Today, when the fixed costs can reach the level of 50% and more.
Hardly any company knows the productivity of the employees in their individual work steps. Overall, this results in a relatively low average productivity of 61.6%. A simple announcement of the productivity of the individual work steps can increase the employee’s motivation and lead to the productivity raise.
Dear reader,
In my new book I get to the bottom of these questions!
Dear reader,
In my new e-Book I get to the bottom of these questions!
„Thanks to its performance based cost allocation, Greko offers our product managers a high level of transparency and helps them to quickly identify and counteract deviations.”
Mag. Heinrich Kräuter – Management Finances & Controlling Vienna
“It’s just a pleasure to work with Greko. Questions and answers find each other – with Greko, we can optimally map our information needs and generate only truly essential information for corporate management, all in a very comprehensible way. Flexibility and transparency are the distinguishing features of this tool.”
Mag. Arno Obrietan Branch Manager for the Commercial Sector at the AKM / Vienna
We use Greko mainly to analyze the cost rates of the services we offer. Above all Greko delights us with its exceptional flexibility.
Mag. Hannes Lechner,
Innsbrucker Soziale Dienste GmbH
“GREKO enabled us to clearly depict our business finances in its sub-areas.
This gives us a solid and sustainable basis to do our best in supporting corporate policy decisions.”
Dipl. Ing. Christian Stöger, PSA Payment Service Austria GmbH – Vienna